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摆正心态,从小事做起  21英语网  佚名  2015-10-14    



Walk before you run


THE first steps into the workplace can be confusing. Fresh graduates are eager to impress, but usually end up running errands like photocopying, which is frustrating.


Newbies have a choice: They can either let these disappointments spoil their new working lives or learn to adapt.


21st Century talks with several workplace newbies to find out how they handled the first few months of their careers.


1. Learn from basic jobs


Everything starts from the basics. Bankers start by counting notes and sales managers start with door-to-door selling. Tao Pei, 22, spent her first month in Beijing as a trade specialist at a food company faxing and photocopying.


“I was upset,” said Tao. “I was expecting to deal with clients instead of printers.” But she gradually discovered that running errands taught her how the whole business functions.


For example, Tao is told to photocopy remittance vouchers and client invoices for double checking before the originals are mailed. This helps to avoid any potential disputes later on.


“Senior workers don’t explain these details to you, but you can learn through doing basic jobs,” said Tao.


How to be a happy errand runner:


- Say “Hi” to people and make friends with your colleagues.


- Read files while waiting by the printer. They are free “textbooks”.


2. Learn to handle pressure


Many problems met by newbies are as a result of a lack of practical work experience.


On her first day at work, Tao stood puzzled in front of the scanner. “When assigning tasks to me, my colleagues assume that I can figure how to do things out by myself,” said Tao.


In order not to let them down, Tao even uses her spare time to improve her performance in the office. “The senior staff are able to put work aside when they walk out of the office, but I can’t,” she said.


The website recently conducted a survey on employee insecurity. Among the 365 interviewees, 43 percent have less than three years’ work experience. About 67 percent of interviewees often feel insecure. The report points out that the main source of newbies’ insecurity is fear about work performance.


Cai Zhiyang, 23, who started to work in an electric power enterprise three months ago in Guangzhou, also admitted to making extra efforts to ease the pressure of his first job. He volunteered to stay on night shifts during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. “I can afford the loss of holidays, if that helps me to master my job more quickly,” said Cai.


Easy ways to relax:


- Keep a bubble wrap in your desk drawer. Press it and feel your stress disappear with the sound of popping bubbles.


- Meditate for 10 minutes during your lunch break.


3. Get used to having less freedom


Gu Zhiren, 22, works at an IT consulting firm in Shunde, Guangdong, an hour from his home in Guangzhou. His job involves endless business trips, which fuel his desire to make regular visits home.


“At college, I could go out on dates and visit my grandma whenever I liked in my spare time. But now, I cannot afford such freedom,” complained Gu.


Office etiquette and rules might also imperil new employees who haven’t yet made the switch from campus mind to office mind.


Tao Pei once broke into a run in the office during an urgent task, but was pulled to one side and scolded by a senior member of staff, who said to her: “Slow down and be quiet. You’re in the office now, not at college!”


Tao used to feel constrained by such rules, but now she has a fresh perspective: “Respecting office rules is an indicator of professionalism.”


Three office rules you must know:


- Clean your desk before starting work.


-Control your time spent on text messages and phone calls if they are not related to work.


-Keep your voice down and your footsteps soft.







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