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But times have changed, and so have the women who accompany Bond on his international missions.不过时代改变了,伴随邦德完成各种国际任务的女性也在改变。
Spectre, the newest chapter of the 007 saga, will be released on Nov 13, and the latest Bond girl Madeleine Swann, played by French actress Léa Seydoux, is endowed with
Swann is, of course, one of Bond’s love interests, but her role goes far deeper than that. She is both a
Her character “was a stereotypical Bond girl, very sexy, but while Madeleine sleeps with Bond, this time it’s different. She doesn’t need him or wait for him to save her,” Seydoux told The Mail on Sunday.她的角色“是典型的邦女郎,十分性感,不过这次睡在邦德身边的玛德琳有点不一样。她不需要邦德,也不会等着他来救她,”赛杜对《邮报》说。
At first, the actress was afraid to take the role. It was unlike anything she had ever played. “Because for me, a Bond girl in my mind is
Previously, the actress starred as an assassin in the 2011 film Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. But she rose to worldwide fame in 2013 when she was awarded the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, for her role in critically acclaimed French lesbian drama Blue Is the Warmest Colour.此前,赛杜曾在《碟中谍4:幽灵协议》饰演过女杀手。不过让她获得国际知名度还是在2013年,凭借广受好评的女同性恋电影《阿黛尔的生活》获得当年戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。
Seydoux exercises those award-winning acting chops again in Spectre. Her Bond girl is more than just a decoration. She’s the key to unlocking the film’s mysteries.《007:幽灵党》中赛杜的演技也是一流。她演绎的邦女郎可不是个花瓶,她是解开电影中谜团的关键。
“It’s not until the introduction of Léa Seydoux’s Madeleine Swann that the plot really starts to tick... Seydoux is the film’s secret weapon, bringing emotional heft to the
Aside from Seydoux, Spectre stars another unique Bond girl, 51-year-old Italian actress Monica Bellucci. She’s the oldest actress ever to play a Bond girl. It’s further evidence that this long-running spy franchise has perhaps turned a corner – that its women are no longer just eye candy, but symbols of modern female power.除了赛杜,《007:幽灵党》中还有另外一位特别的邦女郎——51岁的意大利女星莫妮卡?贝鲁奇。她是史上年纪最大的邦女郎。这更加证明了这部长盛不衰的间谍系列片已经走到了拐点,因为女性不再是花瓶,而成为现代女性力量的代表。
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