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电影神童——哈维尔?多兰  21英语网  佚名  2015-11-16    



Art film prodigy


Everyone is talking about Adele’s highly-anticipated comeback single Hello. But much of the chatter is not even about the singer herself, or the song she created. Xavier Dolan, the  music video director, is stealing the spotlight.




The Quebecois filmmaker had just turned 20 when he presented his first directorial effort, I Killed My Mother, at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival. He also wrote and starred in the film, which is a semi-  about a young homosexual at odds with his mother. Dolan’s debut won three awards from the Director’s Fortnight program at Cannes and received an eight-minute standing as well.



Hubert, the main character from I Killed My Mother, shouts in a  scene, “Stop comparing me to kids my age! I’m not like them!” This could be said of Dolan himself.



He lives his life in a free way. He identifies himself as gay. He grew up acting. He has even appeared on a number of Canadian TV shows since age 4. Eight-year-old Dolan once wrote a letter to US actor Leonardo DiCaprio to express his admiration and to relay his wish to act together with him.他的生活自由无拘。他定义自己是同性恋。他从小从事表演,四岁起就成了加拿大电视节目的常客。他8岁时曾给美国演员莱昂纳多?迪卡普里奥写信,述说自己对小李子的崇拜,并期待同他一起拍戏。 



Dolan’s love of acting then pushed him toward a career in directing. “At 14, there were no auditions. Nobody was employing me, so I became my own employer... I missed acting. When I wrote I Killed My Mother, it was obvious to me that no one else could play this role. And I’m not questioning people’s talent. I’m just thinking no one else can play this role since it’s my life,” Dolan told AskMen, in an interview about how he switched from acting to directing.多兰对表演的热爱最终促成了他的导演生涯。“我14岁时,没有试镜,没有人雇佣我,于是我成了自己的老板……我怀念演戏。当我创作《我杀了我妈妈》时,我很清楚没人能演绎这个角色。我并非质疑别人的才华。我只是认为没人能演出我的人生,”多兰在接受美国男性门户网站AskMen的采访时,回答为何从表演转到导演时说。 



He directs with an  style. When he was directing the drama Heartbeats, he had no clear vision for the film’s final look. “It’s kind of  and unconscious sometimes. The vision is not that precise. It’s in my mind, and we do things, and it just happens that it resembles what I had in mind,” he said to Interview Magazine.



His latest feature, Mommy, demonstrated Dolan’s mastery behind the lens. The film is about a widowed mother and her violent son, and it won the Jury Prize at Cannes last year. Dolan uses a square 1:1 format which no one has tried before, according to the Hollywood Reporter.最新作品《妈咪》展示了多兰娴熟的镜头运用技能。影片讲述了寡妇母亲和有暴力倾向的儿子之间的故事。该片获得了去年戛纳电影评审团大奖。影片中多兰使用了1:1的比例构图,《好莱坞报道者》评价这是个前无古人的创举。 



Despite his meteoric start in the business, his continually high-caliber output proved that he’s not a shooting star. At the age of 26, he already has five critically acclaimed feature films under his belt.尽管他的事业飞速起步,他却持续产出高质量的作品,证明自己并非转瞬即逝的流星。年仅26岁,他已经有5部口碑极高的作品了。 



Being perceived as a genius auteur can became a huge pressure for artists. But it doesn’t bother Dolan. “It’s a part of my job to learn to deal with reviews.  isn’t , unless you’re 40 and described as ‘once a ’,” Dolan said to Slant Magazine.



Looking forward, Dolan unsurprisingly has no clear plan. He told Billboard, “I don’t really have an agenda. I don’t really have goals.”对于未来,多兰没有任何计划,这一点也不意外。他对《公告牌》杂志说:“我没有正儿八经的日程安排。我连目标都没有。” 



Inside this  lives an  soul. That may just be the source of his creative works.







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