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迪士尼童星的转型之路  21英语网  佚名  2015-11-16    



Growing up Disney


It’s kind of  how Selena Gomez’s and Demi Lovato’s careers have been similar to one another. Both were born in 1992 in the US. Both appeared on Disney Channel sitcoms and went on to launch careers as pop singers.




Last month, within a week of each other, they released new albums, entitled Revival and Confident respectively. The albums are seen as attempts to bid farewell to the stars’ Disney pasts. Music sales will determine whether Gomez and Lovato can succeed on their own terms.上月,两人在一周之内相继推出了最新专辑《重生》和《满怀自信》。这两部专辑被视为她们告别迪士尼岁月的一种尝试。专辑销量将决定她们是否能够成功转型。 



It’s not uncommon for Disney stars to “break free” from their carefully  pasts. A generation ago, Disney alums Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera pioneered the formula for transitioning from teen idol to mainstream icon: a clean-cut artist develops a devoted teen fan base, and then declares independence.



The declaration often involves getting a statement haircut and recording songs about busting out of chains, cutting strings and stripping naked.宣告摆脱过去常常伴随着换发型,录一些以打破桎梏为主题的歌,争取主动,当然还不能穿太多。 



Gomez and Lovato are undergoing the same kinds of transformation. However, their works those paradigms, according to Inquisitr. Theirs is a more mature reinvention, one that details their personal struggles.



Neither Gomez nor Lovato was a perfect fit for Disney’s good-girl mold, even at the height of their teen idol days. Gomez has had  relationship with fellow pop star Justin Bieber. She has tried to emerge from Bieber’s shadow by releasing her own string of hits: Come & Get It, The Heart Wants What It Wants and now Good for You.



Lovato, on the other hand, did stints in rehab for substance abuse and eating disorders. She recounts the experience in her power anthem Confident.另一方面,洛瓦托则因滥用药物进过戒毒所,还曾患上厌食症。她在自己的权力颂歌《满怀自信》中讲诉了这段经历。 



Their new albums  their personal lives in intimate, but not “adult”, ways. Gomez herself reflected on how she and her ex-Disney colleagues have evolved over the last few years.



“Everyone has found their identity in a really interesting way,” Gomez told Refinery29. “We didn’t come out as these robots that looked and dressed the same.”“每个人都以一种有趣的方式寻得自我,”戈麦斯对时尚资讯网站Refinery29说。“我们并不是长相和穿着都一模一样的机器人。” 



That pursuit of uniqueness is also reflected in their music. In Revival, Gomez sings about “empowerment as transcendence”, said The Atlantic in its review, before complimenting her “calm power”. Lovato’s Confident, on the other hand, is defined by its tone of aggression. Lovato is “sweating for self-determination”, according to The Atlantic.追寻独特性也反映在她们的音乐中。《大西洋月刊》在一篇评论文章中说,《重生》中,戈麦斯唱出了“赋权即超越”,还赞许她有一种“平静的力量”。而洛瓦托的歌《满怀自信》则充满挑衅的语气。《大西洋月刊》认为洛瓦托“正在经过艰苦的努力争取自主权”。 



“Taken on their own, Gomez’s and Lovato’s albums aren’t breaking any radical new pop ground... But what’s most remarkable and exciting about Revival and Confident is how two talented women who may have seemed like carbon copies of each other at first are becoming individual artists. Not unlike Britney and Christina,” wrote Entertainment Weekly.《娱乐周刊》写道:“就她们个人而言,戈麦斯和瓦洛托的专辑并没有彻底突破任何的流行音乐领域……不过《重生》和《满怀自信》最非凡和激动人心的地方在于,两位才华横溢的女人突破了早前相似的人生轨迹,成为了独一无二的艺人。就像布兰妮和克里斯蒂娜。” 







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