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男士穿高跟鞋赛跑 东莞特别活动庆三八  新华网    2009-03-10    



Young Chinese men go the "extra mile" in high heels for their girlfriends



  A survey at a leading Chinese website on International Women's Day revealed that many young Chinese men said they would wear high-heeled shoes - purely to experience their lovers' aches and pains.

  The survey, "Are you willing to wear high-heeled shoes for her, for just one day?", attracted more than 3,000 netizens on,one of China's major websites.

  They said they would try high-heeled shoes for their wives, or girlfriends, to show their love, respect and understanding.

  "I am worried whenever I see my wife wearing high-heeled shoes, because it seems to hurt so much," a husband from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in south China said.

  However, another netizen from Guangxi said, "I prefer praising her beauty instead of wearing shoes for her, for women like men's sweet talk."

  The idea came from an anti-domestic violence movement started in the United States, called Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, a traditional feminist event, the website said.

  The website also investigated why Chinese women liked wearing high-heeled shoes, and about 70,000 netizens commented.

  Nearly 68 percent of women wore high-heeled shoes before their 20s. About 70 percent wore shoes with heels higher than 5 cm, and about 20 percent of women were asked to wear high-heeled shoes during work, the survey showed.

  "Of course, most women think they are beautiful after wearing high -heeled shoes," the survey said. "It aches, but it is fun."

  Also a survey by, a dating website in Zhejiang Province, said China's post-80s generation would enjoy accompanying their lovers on Women's Day, as well as other important festivals for lovers, such as Valentine's Day and Christmas Day.

  The investigation, whose topic was marriage and love affairs, had about 100,000 respondents commenting online and lasted from January to March.

  Some caring men would even cook for their lovers after work, on their birthday, or Valentine's Day, surprising to them, the survey said.






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