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宝宝也穿高跟鞋?  中国日报网英语点津    2008-12-02    



Baby high heels collection launched


A new collection of high-heeled shoes has been launched in US for babies.

  A new collection of high-heeled shoes has been launched in US- for babies.

  The makers describe the shoes, which are for infants aged up to six months, as "sassy heels" for babies.

  The designers say they had 'fun, hilarity and glamour' in mind when they created the shoes. They are marketing as a first high heel for baby girls.

  Priced at £19.99 they are designed to look exactly like a pair of shoes worn by adult women.

  The US makers - Heelarious - have produced designs in pink, black and even leopard or zebra-skin prints.

  They are being sold in Britain by 36 year old Julia Taylor, from Bexley, Kent, who has struck an exclusive deal to sell them in the UK.

  Mrs Taylor, whose daughter, Bethany, is 14 months old, discovered the shoes through friends who had spotted the website and thought they were "fun."

  She admitted the shoes were very 'American' but feels there is a market in this country and is selling them through her website 'Heels for Her'.

  Mrs Taylor has already exhibited the Heelarious collection at a London baby show. She admits the feedback was "mixed."

  She said: "There is the odd negative comment from mums who think the shoes are dangerous.

  "Most change their mind though when they see that the heels aren't solid but soft and perfectly comfortable.

  "If you think about it - some mums think it's pretty toget their baby's ears pierced and that can be painful.

  "These shoes are nothing like that - they're completely soft, comfortable and safe for the baby."

  Mrs Taylor added: "People who buy the heels are perfectly normal mums who are either interested in fashion or just recognize how fun the shoes are."








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