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奥巴马当选男士心目中最具影响力人物  中国日报网英语点津  姗姗  2008-10-23    



Men vote Barack Obama "most influential man"


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama speaks during a rally at the Crown Coliseum in Fayetteville, N.C., on Sunday, October 19.

  Barack Obama was voted the most influential man of 2008 in an online poll released on Tuesday that asked men to decide who most impacted the way they behave, buy and think.

  The U.S. Democratic presidential candidate was ranked No.1 by readers on the lifestyle Web site, beating Apple chief executive Steve Jobs and Olympic swimming champion Michael Phelps, who landed in the No. 2 and No. 3 spots, respectively.

  Republican presidential candidate John McCain was ranked No. 10 on the list, which was compiled on the basis of 200,000 votes from readers of the Web site whose average age is 27-28 years-old.

  Last year's winner, British soccer star David Beckham, fell to No. 25 on the 2008 list, which asked men to go beyond professional success and likeability when picking their top 49 choices.

  James Bassil, editor-in-chief of, said he thought Obama's top place was not so much a political endorsement of his candidacy as "a reflection of the interest the presidential race has ignited in the United States."

  Stephen Colbert, host of the satirical news show "The Colbert Report," was the only other politically-minded name in the Top 10 of the 2008 list, which was dominated by sports stars, actors and musicians.

  The Top 10 on the Most Influential Men list:

  1) Barack Obama (Democratic presidential nominee)

  2) Steve Jobs (Apple CEO)

  3) Michael Phelps (Olympic swimmer)

  4) Robert Downey, Jr (actor)

  5) Stephen Colbert (political TV commentator)

  6) Gordon Ramsay (celebrity chef)

  7) Christian Bale (actor)

  8) Rob Kay ("Rock Band" video game designer)

  9) Cristiano Ronaldo (soccer player)

  10) John McCain (Republican presidential nominee)








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