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好莱坞年轻红人榜出炉 奈特莉上榜  中国日报网英语点津  姗姗  2008-09-26    



New names, familiar ones top poll of 25 young stars


Actors Keira Knightley (L) and Daniel Radcliffe are shown in this combination of file photographs from 2008. The two actors are among AOL Moviephones list of top 25 stars under age 25, according to an online poll released on September 24, 2008.

  They range from big stars like Daniel Radcliffe and Miley Cyrus to relative unknowns such as Gemma Arterton of new James Bond flick "Quantum of Solace," but one thing they have in common is being young and hot in Hollywood, according to an online poll released on Wednesday.

  AOL's offered its list of top 25 stars under age 25, and among popular celebrities including Oscar-nominated Keira Knightley, 23, and young Dakota Fanning, 14, there were up-and-comers such as Christopher Mintz-Plasse, 19, a.k.a. McLovin of last year's movie comedy sensation, "Superbad."

  "There are several returning people, but what's really exciting is there's this whole new crop coming up," said Moviefone editor-in-chief Scott Robson.

  "We look at what they've done in the past, but we're mostly concerned with what they have coming over the course of the next year and where it positions them," he added.

  Michael Cera, 20, for instance had two break-out movie hits last year with "Superbad" and Oscar-nominated teen pregnancy comedy "Juno," and he'll follow that up this year with October's "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist," in which for the first time he is the star expected to lure fans to theaters.

  Arterton, 22, is a bit different. Plucked from the ranks of British television actresses to be the new "Bond Girl" in Quantum of Solace, she also stars in director Guy Ritchie's new flick, "RocknRolla."

  Other newcomers include Robert Pattison, 22, who had appeared in small roles in two previous "Harry Potter" films, but has a major part in upcoming vampire flick "Twilight," as well as his co-star in that movie, Kristen Stewart, 18.

  "Transformers" stars Shia LaBeouf, 22, and Megan Fox, 22, also made the list, as did Ellen Page, 21, of "Juno" fame, Zac Efron, 20, from "High School Musical," Emma Watson, 18, of the "Harry Potter" movies and "Gossip Girl's" Blake Lively, 21.








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