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为孩子取名发愁?向好莱坞明星取取经  中国日报网英语点津  姗姗  2008-03-25    



Struggling to name your baby? Call a consultant

Angelina Jolie names her daughter Shiloh

  Hollywood actress Halle Berry's decision to call her daughter Nahla had some people perplexed, but baby experts said it mirrored a trend for unusual names which has helped create a new profession -- baby name consultant.

  Many parents have moved away from giving their children family or unisex names and want their youngsters to have names that stand out from the crowd.

  An online survey by specialist Web site found 15 percent of parents think the name you give a child plays a role in their success in life, so it is not a decision taken lightly -- and this has made people seek outside help.

  "It used to be more common to choose from family names or names from the bible, but today's parents have so many more choices and many of them are overwhelmed," said Linda Murray, editor-in-chief of

  "It can be very stressful. It's the first big public parenting decision you make. People want extra help so consultants have cropped up in the last few years to provide this service."

  Berry has not explained why she and her model boyfriend Gabriel Aubry chose Nahla for their new-born daughter.

  But Nahla was found to have a few meanings ranging from gift in Swahili to "drink of water" in Arabic.

  "What better name for a baby you've waited so long for than gift?" said Murray of Nahla, 41-year-old Berry's first child.

  Spiritual names and names with meanings have become popular with consultants charging anything from $25 to several hundred dollars to help couples find the right meaning for their child.

  Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt named their daughter Shiloh, which means "peaceful one" in Hebrew, while Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' daughter is Suri, which can mean "princess" or "red rose."









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