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出国旅游常用英语:邮寄包裹  可可英语    2015-09-16    




  1. Do you want to mail it by sea? 您是要寄海邮吗?

  2. Do you want the parcel insured? 包裹要保险吗?

  3. I wonder if this parcel is overweight. 我想知道这个包裹是否超重。

  4. I labeled the parcel before posting it. 邮寄之前,我把包裹贴上了标签。

  5. Shall I tie the parcel or use sticky tape? 我是把包裹捆上还是用胶带粘上呢?

  6. Please send this parcel by express delivery. 请用快递寄送这个包裹。

  7. Do you want to mail it by air or by ordinary mail? 您是要寄空邮还是平邮?

  8. Make sure the parcel is tied up before you mail it. 包裹在邮寄前一定要捆好。

  9. How much is the postage for a parcel to the U.S.A.? 寄包裹到美国需要多少钱?

  10. Please tie the string tight on that parcel or it may come undone. 请把这包裹上的绳子捆牢,否则会散包的。


  label 贴标签于

  例句:It might seem like a good idea to label buttons with both text and images.既有文本又有标签图标的按钮似乎是个好主意。

  tied up 捆牢,拴住

  例句:Tie up these letters and see that they don't come loose. 捆好这些信件,别散了。

  string 线,细绳

  例句:Please pass me the scissors to cut this string. 请递给我剪刀割断这根绳子。

  undone 已解开的,已松开的

  例句:His tie was undone. 他的领带开了。

  A: Excuse me. 打扰一下。

  B: What can I do for you? 需要帮忙吗?

  A: I have something urgent to mail. 我有紧急的物品要邮寄。

  B: OK. Would you like our express service or same-day service? 您是想要加急服务还是当天服务?

  A: May I know the difference in their price? 请问它们的价格有什么区别吗?

  B: Yes. We charge 50% extra for express. 是的,加急服务要加收50%的费用。

  A: Well, express service, please. 那就要加急服务吧。

  B: What does it contain? 里面装的是什么?

  A: Oh, it is documents. I wonder when it will arrive. 一些文件。不知道什么时候会到啊?

  B: Tomorrow. Is it OK? 明天,可以吗?

  A: Great! That is just on time. 太好了,刚好准时到。


  urgent 急迫的,紧要的

  例句:I want to talk to your manager about an urgent matter. 我想和你们经理谈一件紧急的事。

  express 快运的,快送的,快递的

  例句:Send the memo by express mail. 把这份备忘录用快递寄出。






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