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出国旅游常用英语之餐厅篇:点中国菜  爱思英语    2015-09-22    



  Ordering Chinese Food


  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  229.I'd like to try some Chinese food.


  230.It's divided into eight big cuisines,or say,eight styles,such as Cantonese food,Beijing food,Sichuan food,etc.


  231.Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food?


  232.Contonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.


  233.Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.


  234.So what's your recommendation for me?


  235.I think Ma pobeancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauceare quite special.


  236.What would you like to have tonight?


  237.What kind of cuisine do you have in your dining-room?


  238.We have Guang dong food,Sichuan food and Shanghai food.


  239.Could you tell me the different features of them?


  240.Guangdong food is a bit light,while Sichuan food has a strong and hot taste,and Shanghai food is oily.


  241.I think I'd like to have Guangdong food.


  242.We have sliced chicken soup,dried mushroom clear soup and so on.


  243.I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.


  Dialogue A

  (The waiter is explaining something to Johnson.)

  A:Excuse me, I'd like to try some Chinese food. Can you tell me where I should go?

  B:We serve Chinese food here. But I'm not sure which style you prefer?

  A:I have no idea about Chinese food.

  B:It's divided into eight big cuisines,or say, eight styles,such as Cantonese food, Beijing food, Sichuan food,etc.

  A:Is there any difference between Cantonese food and Beijing food?

  B:Yes,Cantonese food is lighter while Beijing food is heavy and spicy.The famous specialities of these two are roast suckling pig and roast Beijing duck.

  A:How about Sichuan food?

  B:Most Sichuan dishes are spicy and hot.And they taste differently.

  A:Oh,really,I like hot food.So what's your recommendation for me?

  B:I think Mapo beancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauceare quite special.We have a Sichuan food dining-room. May I suggest you go there? It's on the second floor.

  A:Thank you.

  B:My pleasure.

  Dialogue B

  (A:Waiter B:Mr Frank)

  A:Mr Frank,what would you like to have tonight,Western food or Chinese food?

  B:When I was in America,my friend,Mr.Dull recommended me to have Chinese food,and I appreciate it very much in-deed.What kind of cuisine do you have in your dining-room?

  A:We have Guangdong food, Sichuan food and Shanghai food.Which one do you like best?

  B:I don't like anything greasy.I think I'd like to have Guangdong food.

  A:O.K.。How about saute prawn section,saute lobsterslices with mushroom?

  B:All right.I'll take them all.

  A:Mr.Frank,do you like to use chopsticks?If you don't,I'll get you fork and knife.

  B:If I can have them,so much the better.

  A:Do you like some soup?

  B:Yes, I don't know what soup you have.

  A:We have sliced chicken soup,dried mushroom clear soup and so on.

  B:Good.I prefer dried mushroom clear soup.

  A:According to the specifications of Chinese food, we serve dishes first and then soup.If you like we'll bring you some soup first.

  B:I'm used to having soup first.

  A:All right, I'll get it for you.

  Words and Expressions

  cuisine n.烹饪,烹饪法

  light a.清淡的,易消化的

  heavy a.难消化的

  spicy a.香的,加香料的

  Cantonese a.广州的

  speciality n.特制品,特产

  roast suckling pig 烤乳猪

  roast Beijing duck 北京烤鸭

  hot a.刺激的,辣的

  chilli n.(干)辣椒

  feature n.特征,特色

  oily a.浸透油的,油腻的

  greasy a.油腻的

  saute a.嫩煎的,用少量油快炸的

  lobster n.大螯虾;龙虾

  mushroom n.蘑菇

  specification n.规格,说明书






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