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关于“头脑”和“心灵”的英语俚语    环球时报  2010-08-19    



Idioms of the head: 关于“头脑”

Get your head out of the clouds. 别胡思乱想了

Stop daydreaming. Concentrate on what you should be thinking about instead.别做白日梦了。专注于你所应该考虑的事情。

I laughed my head off at that film. 太好笑了(以至于脑袋都笑掉了)

That film was very funny and it made me laugh a lot.那部电影很有趣,这让我笑一笑。

I don't know the answer off the top of my head. 想破脑袋也想不出来

I can't answer the question immediately. I don't have the answer memorised.我不能回答这个问题。我没有答案记住。

Don't bite his head off for that tiny mistake. 得饶人处且饶人

Don't shout at him for making a small mistake.不要给他制造一个小错误。

We should put our heads together to solve this puzzle. 同心协力

We should work together to find the answer.我们应该一起来找出答案。

I'm so happy! I'm head over heels in love with that woman! 完全陷入爱河!

I'm completely in love!我完全的爱!

Idioms of the heart: 关于“心灵”

Have a heart! 有点同情心!

Be sympathetic. Think about other people's feelings, not just your own.表示同情。想想别人的感情,而不是只想自己的感受。

We had a real heart-to-heart and now she knows exactly how I feel about her. 真挚沟通

We were completely honest with each other about our feelings.我们是完全忠诚彼此的感受。

He seems unfriendly at first but honestly his heart's in the right place. 有副好心肠

Although he appears cool and distant, he is a good person.虽然他看起来很难相处,但他是一个很好的人。

I really adored my grandmother and when she died, it broke my heart. 心痛

I was very sad when my grandmother died.我很难过,因为我奶奶去世了。

Some students like to learn irregular verbs by heart. 用心学习

They like to learn things by rote(死记硬背), by saying or writing them again and again.他们喜欢去说或写一遍又一遍的死记硬背学习的新内容。

He wears his heart on his sleeve, you always know exactly how he's feeling. 易被别人识破

He doesn't hide his emotions. If he's angry he shows it. If he's happy, he shows it.他没有掩饰自己的感情。如果他很生气,他显示出来。如果他很开心,他显示出来。






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