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和“吃”有关的俚语      2008-09-04    



  吃喜酒attend the wedding banquet
  吃药take medicine
  (下棋)吃掉一个子take a piece
  吃掉敌人一个团annihilate an enemy regiment
  连吃败仗suffer one defeat after another

  推上吃了一枪get shot in the leg
  吃闭门羹be denied entrance at the door ; be refused admission as an unwelcome guest be left out in the cold
  吃醋be jealous
  吃官司be sued / involve in a legal action
  吃耳光get a slap in the face

  吃回扣get commission
  这种纸不吃墨水。This kind of paper doesn’t absorb ink.
  茄子很吃油。Eggplant calls for a lot of oil in cooking.
  我可不吃这一套。 I won’t take all this lying down.
  他不务正业,专吃白食。He does not do any honest work and lives off others.

  你这老一套现在可吃不开了。Your old way of doing things won’t work now.
  这件事你如果说出去,我叫你吃不了兜着走。If you let this leak out, I’ll make you sorry for it.
  走这么多的路,恐怕你吃不消。It may be too much for you to walk such a long way.
  吃得苦中苦,方为人上人。Only those who endure the most become the highest.
  再重的卡车,这座桥也吃得住。This bridge can bear the weight of the heaviest lorry.

  你别想吃她豆腐。Don’t try to flirt with her.
  他要请我们吃馆子。He is going to invite us out to dinner.
  你要先考虑清楚,免得吃后悔药。Think it over before you go so that you won’t regret it later.
  形势吃紧。The situation was critical.
  他那坚强的毅力使人吃惊。His will power is amazing.

  他工作努力,能吃苦。He was hard-working and unafraid of hardships.
  他跑得不快,踢足球吃亏。He can’t run fast and that puts him at a disadvantage as a footballer.
  我跑了一天路,感到吃力。After a long day’s journey, I felt exhausted.
  只要技术好,到哪儿都吃得开。A person who has expertise is welcome anywhere.
  吃一堑,长一智。 A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.






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