http://en.jybest.cn 沪江英语网 2012-12-06 大 中 小
月球最高监狱,穷凶极恶的伯格罗多星人鲍里斯(杰梅奈·克莱门特 Jemaine Clement 饰)越狱逃亡。他在1969年犯下邪恶罪行,最终被年轻的K(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰) 砍掉一只手臂,送入监狱。此次他逃脱的目的,就是穿越时空杀死K。与此同时,J (威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰)和K(汤米·李·琼斯 Tommy Lee Jones 饰)一如既往处理各种外星人引起的混乱,因对鲍里斯的案件三缄其口,两个好搭档心生隔阂。选段中,J发现K消失不见后,穿越回1969年,顺利地找到了K。然后最终把鲍里斯灭了,重回了现代,两个好搭档又要一起办案啦~
Small James: Daddy! Daddy!
K: Hey. Hey, my name's K. What's your name?
Small James: James.
K: James? That's a nice name.
Small James: Where's my dad?
K: What have you got there? What is that?
Small James: My dad gave it to me. We timed the launch. Where is my daddy?
K: He...He went to go do something very special. And he wanted me to stay here and take care of his best pal.
Small James: When is he gonna be back?
K: He...He...James, if you look right here. I will tell you the only thing you ever need to know. Your daddy is a hero.
Small James: My daddy is a hero?
K: Want to take a walk with me?
Small James: Yes.
K: James?
(J comes back.)
K: You're late.
J: Sorry. Lost track of time. How do you know that song?
K: Drink your coffee. We got work to do.
J: What do you know and what do you don't?
K: How do I know what I don't know?
J: That's a really good question. Did we go to Wu's last night?
K: Yeah.
J: Boglodites?
K: Extinct for 40 years.
J: Perfect. Did we talk on the phone last night?
K: You hung up on me.
J: Yeah, I did.
K: But that was because of all those secrets the universe doesn't know about.
J: ButI've realized that last night was a long long time ago. And, really, I just want to say thank you.
K: It's been my privilege.
J: You know, there's a really high possibility now that I might know some things you don't know.
K: I doubt it.
J: I bet I know what went down with you and O. She's a fine lady, but you know the rules. There's no fraternizing amongst agents. I think y'all might have fraternized a time or two.
Griffin: This is my new favorite moment in human history. Unless this is the one where K forgot to leave a tip.
K: Almost forgot.
Griffin: That was a close one.
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