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中外流行手势详解      2007-11-21    



  This is mainly a matter of how we use our hands to convey a message. We'll show you some gestures commonly seen in China or some other countries.


showing respect When we offer something to someone, we often use both hands to show respect. 我们递给别人东西的时候,双手奉上的手语代表尊重对方的意思。
showing affection Patting a child's head shows affection, yet we seldom pat the head of a teenager or adult. This is because it may displease the teenager or the adult, as they may resent being treated like a child. Patting the head, in Britain or America, also means giving comfort, consolation or encouragement, and is occasionally used between close friends. However, in India, Sri Lanka and Thailand, patting a child on the head would be shocking and offensive because the head is believed to be the seat of the soul. 在中国,拍小孩子的脑袋是爱抚的表现,而拍大人脑袋则容易让对方误会你把他当成了小孩子。在英美,拍脑袋也是一种表达关爱,鼓励的举动。然而,在印度、巴基斯坦、印度等国家,拍脑袋则被当作一种攻击性行为。
Thank you. When we accept something, we also take it with both hands to express respect or thanks. So in this figure the person puts both hands upright, palms open, beside the cup when it is being refilled by his host. He is saying 'Thank you' non-verbally. 我们接受别人递来的东西时,双手去接同样是尊重对方的表现,同时也是在用这种肢体语言说“谢谢”。
Shame on you! (semi-joking)

When we want to say 'Shame on you' non-verbally, we extend one finger and touch our own face with the tip of the forefinger several times quickly.有点开玩笑性质的刮羞。

It's me. I'm the one. When someone (especially a child or a teenager) touches or points to the tip of his own nose with raised forefinger ), he is showing he is the person who did something, or who wants to do something, etc. 当某人尤其是小孩子用食指指着自己鼻尖的时候,手语的含义是:就是我啊。这事是我做的啦。


the ring gesture In America it means OK. It's great!.
In Japan it means money.
In France it means zero or worthless.
In Tunisia it means I'll kill you!
the single finger beckon In America it simply means 'Come here'.
In Yugoslavia and Malaysia it is only used for beckoning animals.
In Indonesia and Australia it is used for beckoning prostitutes, i.e. 'ladies of the night'.
the thumbs-up sign In Britain it means OK and is also used as a sign for hitch-hiking.
In Greece, however, it is an insult.
the ear-tug In Spain it means someone is a sponger, i.e. using other people's money and never spending his own. (Called a 'sponger' because he soaks up other people's money like a sponge soaks up water.)
In Greece it is a warning.
In Italy it is used to call someone a homosexual.
the eyelid-pull In France and Greece it means 'You can't fool me!'
In Spain and Italy it means that you should be alert.
To a South American it means he finds a woman very attractive.








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