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常用商务书信范例      2008-08-25    




  We have obtained your name and address from Aristo Shoes, Milan, and we are writing to enquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us. We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, We are interested in extending our, range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations. If your prices are competitive we would expect to transact a significant volume of business. We look forward to your early reply. Very truly yours



  Thank your for your letter of the 16th of this month. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company. In compliance with your request, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue and price list covering our export range. Payment should be made by irrevocable and confirmed letter of credit. Should you wish to place an order, please telex or fax us.



  We would like to inform you that we act on a sole agency basis for a number of manufacturers. We specialize in finished cotton goods for the Middle eastern market: Our activities cover all types of household linen. Until now , we have been working with your textiles department and our collaboration has proved to be mutually beneficial. Please refer to them for any information regarding our company. We are very interested in an exclusive arrangement with your factory for the promotion of your products in Bahrain. We look forward to your early reply.

  本公司担任多家厂家的独家代理,专营精制棉织品,包括各灯家用亚麻制品,行销中东。与贵公司向有业务联系,互利互作。贵公司纺织部亦十分了解有关业务合作之情况。盼望能成为贵公司独家代理,促销在巴林市场的货品。上述建议,烦请早日赐复,以便进一步联系合作。此致敬礼 。


  Thank you for your letter of 1 September suggesting that we grant you a sole agency for our household linens. I regret to say that, at this stage ,such an arrangement would be rather premature. We would, however, be willing to engage in a trial collaboration with you company to see how the arrangement works. It would be necessary for you to test the market for our products at you end. You would also have to build up a much larger turnover to justify a sole agency. We enclose price lists covering all the products you are interested in and look forward to hearing from you soon.







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