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商务书信:代理合约-Contract  竞学网    2007-05-10    



  这是一份代理合约(Agency Contract),代理商可以根据这项合约从代理销售中获取“佣金”(commission)。“签定合约或合同”,英文可以说 to enter into a contract; “独家代理”是exclusive agent; “在规定地区内”是within the said territories;

Agency Contract

  Yongsheng, WORKS INS, Hongkong (hereinafter called Manufacturer) and Brainstorming ELECTRIC APPLIANCES CO., LTD., Wenzhou (hereinafter referred to as Agent) have on this 20th of December, 2001 entered into a sales agency contract under the terms and conditions stated below:

  1. Agent shall act as the sole and exclusive agent in Wenzhou for Manufacturer for the sale of the products herein specified.

  2. The products covered by this Contract are: television sets, cassette radio recorders, washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, electric rice cookers and many other electric applicances.

  3. Manufacturer shall furnish Agent with the price lists of all of his products stated above, all in terms of CIF Wenzhou. A commission of 8 per cent shall be offered on all sales of Manufacture's products within the above-mentioned territories even in cases where Manufacturer sells them directly or where such sales are made by any other person or firm, for shipment to the said territories.

  4. Agent must carry stocks of Manufacturer's products for sale within the said territories and may fix the resale price thereof.

  5. Agent is only authorized to solicit orders for Manufacturer's products and the sale thereof within the territories.

  6. This Contract shall remain in force until terminated by either party by giving a written notice at least 90 days in advance to the other party by registered airmail.

  Yongsheng WORKS INC.

  Brainstorming APPLIANCES CO.LTD.






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