Employment Work Vocabulary—就业相关词汇
http://en.jybest.cn 中国教育在线 2007-03-23 大 中 小
Assessment | Evaluation of one's abilities |
Apply | Submit an application for a job or position |
Background | Education - qualifications - experience |
Bonus | Additional payment to an employee as an incentive or reward |
Curriculum Vitae | Summary of one's education and experience to date; résumé |
Dismiss | Discharge from employment; (to fire, to sack, to let go) |
Employee | Person who works for a firm or company |
Employer | Person or firm who employs people |
Fire | To dismiss |
Fringe benefits | Advantages offered in addition to salary (life insurance, retirement scheme, company car, etc.). Also called "perks": abbreviation for perquisites. |
Interview | Oral examination of an applicant for employment |
Make redundant | Dismiss for economic reasons |
Maternity leave | Period of absence for a female employee when having a baby |
Notice | Advance warning of intention to leave one's job-to give or hand in one's resignation |
Personnel | People who work for a firm or company (employees) |
Personnel officer | Manager responsible for recruitment, training and welfare of personnel (employees) |
Promotion | Advancement in rank or position in the company |
Prospects | Opportunities for success or promotion in a career |
Recruit | Look for and hire personnel |
Resign | Leave a job voluntarily |
Retire | Leave employment because of age |
Sick leave | Absence because of illness - to be on sick leave |
Staff | People who work for a firm or department; employees |
Strength | Strong characteristic or particular ability |
Strike | To go on strike : to stop working in protest against something |
Take on | Employ or hire |
Trainee | Person being trained for a job e.g. a trainee salesman |
Training course | A course of study to prepare for a job e.g. a computer course |
Unemploymentbenefits |
Payments made by the state to an unemployed person |
Vacancy | A position to be filled |
Weakness | A lack of ability or a shortcoming in character |
来源:Learn English Online
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