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物流人员个人简历(4)  沪江英语  佚名  2015-08-03    



John Smith

1234 Main Court

Santa Cruz

CA, 95060

Cell: 257-356-7895


Job Profile:To take up the responsibilities of a Logistic Supervisory Management Specialist in a renowned organization.

Professional Experience:

Organization: Transportation Co Inc, California

Duration: April 2009 till date

Designation: Logistic Supervisory Management Specialist

Responsible for directing and developing logistics management operations for the District

Provided logistics guidance, advice, as well as assistance within the geographic boundaries of the District

Planned, controlled, coordinated, evaluated and integrated logistics activities which include procurement of equipment, supplies, construction, services, transportation and control of personal property

Performed tasks like gathering and analyzing data as well as conduct research

Identified logistic issues and assist higher level professionals in handling daily activities of logistics

Provided support to the Service Center, Service Area, and ARC Logistics to complete assigned functions

Organization: ABX Software Inc, California

Duration: October 2006 to March 2009

Designation: Logistic Supervisor

Performed tasks like preparing data entry and confirmation of key milestones like arrival, departure, and customs clearance as per the specifications of Customer Standard Operating Procedures

Responsible for planning and scheduling appropriate modes of transportation based on daily needs

Ensured that the documentation is accurately processed, distributed and released to forwarders, carrier, agents and customers in a timely manner

Generated standardized process for clients assigned to group including report requirements, compliance requirements and systems requirements

Solved external and internal client customer service issues in a cost expeditious and effective manner

Analyzed service issues and implemented performance improvement processes to improve future service delivery

Areas of Interest:

In-depth knowledge of pertinent law, policies, regulations and precedents and carry out effective logistics programs and related support resources

Ability to interpret principles, policies, procedures, regulations for fiscal management, procurement, program planning, contract administration, and personal inventory management functions

Comprehensive knowledge of operating machinery for shipping and receiving

Effective communication and management skills

Ability to work independently as well as a part of a team

Good negotiation and time management skills

Advance knowledge of preparing reports and analyzing relevant data through the use of office automation software, i.e., graphs, tables, and charts

Good knowledge of major work related computer applications

Educational Summary:

Master's degree in Business Administration

California University in the year 2005

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration

Business Information Center, California in the year 2002

Personal Details:

Name: John Smith

Date of Birth: 09/13/1978

Employment Status: Full time

Relationship status: Married


Will be available on request






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