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小贝续租AC米兰 万人迷继续留在时尚之都  新华网    2009-03-09    



Beckham to return to Los Angeles Galaxy in July under new deal



  British soccer star David Beckham will return to the Los Angeles Galaxy this July, four months later than originally planned, under a multi-million dollar agreement announced Sunday.

  The new agreement between the U.S. Major League Soccer team and Italy's AC Milan calls for the English midfielder to remain playing for AC Milan until the end of the Serie-A season May 31, then rejoin the Galaxy.

  Beckham will become eligible to play for the Galaxy in MLS games when the international transfer window reopens July 15.

  "I'm really grateful to the LA Galaxy and AC Milan for making this dream deal happen," Beckham said in a statement.

  "It allows me to play for AC Milan and the LA Galaxy in the same year, and also to continue my commitment to develop soccer in the United States, which is something I am passionate about.

  "My family is happy and settled and will remain in LA," he said. "The perfect result for 2009 would be for me to help Milan to reach the Champions League, and for the LA Galaxy to make the playoffs and win the MLS Cup playoffs."

  The specific amount of the deal was not released. The agreement, funded by both AC Milan and Beckham, also calls for AC Milan to play an exhibition game against the Galaxy July 19 in Los Angeles.

  Beckham was earlier scheduled to rejoin the Galaxy Monday to begin preparations for the March 22 season opener, but transfer talks began after he expressed his desire to remain with AC Milan to face the tougher competition that would bolster his chances of being part of England's team for the 2010 World Cup.

  The Galaxy loaned Beckham to AC Milan in October to play from January to early March, then return to the Galaxy before the start of the MLS season.






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