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圣诞大戏:“冯氏喜剧”回归之作《非诚勿扰》  中国网    2008-12-22    



A film likely to have the last laugh



  Director Feng Xiaogang gives his best to his latest comedy If You Are the One, a genre that Mr. Feng excels in and has garnered his fame from. It is hilarious, romantic, touching, thought-provoking and beautifully shot. After watching it, I have to say that it is much, much better than my expectations and Mr. Feng and the actor Ge You are undoubtedly at their best. Humor and wisdom are very likely to make the movie a big success in the fiercely competitive yearend market.

  The movie has a stylish black and white beginning made up of documentary clips of world turmoil, war and hunger. It looked so serious-minded that I wondered whether I was watching a comedy. It turns out to be an advertisement for a "dispute solving device" for playing the rock-paper-scissors game. A rich businessman (played by comedian Fan Wei) is persuaded to buy the rights to the device for 3 million dollars and middle aged inventor Qin Fen (played by Ge You) becomes instantly rich. Qin's thoughts turn to marriage and he sets out to find a wife by publishing a personal ad on the Internet.

  At the outset Qin does not have much luck. He meets a series of nightmare partners - a transvestite portrayed by veteran stage actor Feng Yuanzheng in an impressive performance, a pregnant single mother (Vivian Hsu), an amnesiac and a beautiful woman (Che Xiao) who specifies she only wants sex once a year - until he finds gorgeous stewardess Liang Xiaoxiao (Taiwan actress Shu Qi)






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