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2012翻译资格考试口译模拟练习(1)    中国教育在线  2012-07-25    



  中国教育在线讯  下面为大家送上的是2012翻译资格考试口译模拟练习题,希望对大家备考有所帮助。


  Spot Dictation

  1. steal your very identity

  2. credit cards

  3. personal information

  4. bank account information

  5. an alternate address

  6. the maximum amount of charges

  7. The best way

  8. tear up mail

  9. shred these documents

  10. go on vacation

  11. access all the data

  12. well known and established websites

  13. may not be as reliable

  14. other details on the phone.

  15. complete a transaction

  16. private message

  17. your name and password

  18. under the control

  19. from the genuine website

  20. Destroy personal documents

  Listening Comprehension


  Note Taking and Gap Filling

  1. stress

  2. longer

  3. spouse

  4. harm

  5. genders

  6. women

  7. smoothly

  8. interaction

  9. resuming

  10. reason

  11. gradual

  12. time

  13. energy

  14. conflict

  15. cool

  16. understand

  17. carefully

  18. disagree

  19. Validate

  20. dwell

  Sentence Translation

  1. 苏珊被认为是美国最有影响力的文学思想家。她撰写了17本著作。其著作已被译成30种语言。

  2. 如果你想将鱼长时间存放,你应该将其烟熏五天甚至更久。烟熏过后,将它们安置并冷却。

  3. 九月15日,莱曼兄弟,一家有158年历史的老牌投资银行,向它的债权人申请法律保护。数月过后,它仍无法找到买家。

  4. 汽车销量下滑威胁着美国的汽车制造商们。汽车三巨头:通用、福特和克莱斯勒三家公司向国会称需要贷款,否则将面临破产。

  5. 信用评级公司下调了A.I.G公司的等级,因为担心其无法履行合同。因无法得到新的贷款,A.I.G向政府寻求援助。

  Passage Translation

  1. 我们回顾以下今年美国最糟糕的经济新闻。经济增长被预测将在2008年放缓。房价自2006年来一直下滑。但几乎没有经济学家会想到近几个月时间内经济崩溃。随着经济放缓,国会在2月通过一项议案,旨在解决经济放缓。该议案返还纳税人超过1500亿美金。

  2. 一些失业的求职者会主动表示可以接受较前份工作低很多的薪酬, 这种做法很可能会让你功亏一篑。在雇主看来, 愿意跌价20%以上的提议表明,你其实是在伺机而动, 一旦经济好转, 你就会重入就业市场寻找薪水更高的工作。亦或对方会认为, 你在得到工作后很快便会要求加薪。


  Spot Dictation

  Modern thieves do more than take your money, personal property and valuables. These days they can steal your very identity. By pretending to be you, a thief can order credit cards and run up massive debt in your name. They will get to enjoy the expensive purchases, and you will be left holding the bill.

  Criminals seek out personal information that they can use to pretend to be you. This includes credit card numbers, bank account information and private data. One of the easiest ways for them to do this is by going through your garbage and pulling out any relevant mail. A thief can pick up a credit card offer and order it to be sent to an alternate address. Once the card arrives, they activate it, run up the maximum amount of charges and move on. The credit card company will attempt to reach the person they believe to be you at the new location, and when that fails they will contact you directly. The best way to avoid this is to make sure no one has access to personal information about you. At the least you should tear up mail that has any relevant data on it. Better yet, shred these documents so there is no way they can be taped back together. A quick fix job will allow a thief to have the information they need to steal your identity.

  Anytime you go on vacation, make sure you have mail delivery stopped until you return. Even if you shred your mail like clockwork, if a criminal can get to it before you do they can access all the data they need without you knowing until it is too late.

  Most well known and established websites have secure methods for their customers to purchase products using a credit card, but there are thousands of other sites that may not be as reliable. Make sure that you only provide personal information on websites that you trust completely. Similarly, never give out credit card or other details on the phone. A person who claims they are calling from an online store to ask you for information to complete a transaction may actually be a hacker who got your private data online.







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