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剩男剩女必读:如何一个人过得精彩(双语)    互联网  2013-10-14    



  Loneliness is a feeling I know very well. I live in an apartment with no one but my dog, and I don’t get a whole lot of company because most of my friends have moved to another town, got married and had a family, or simply lost touch due to life happening. As someone who considers himself a loner, I loved the peace and quiet at first, but I found myself feeling very lonely within a few months. 我对孤独有着切身体会:一人一室一狗,少有陪伴。许多朋友都搬到了其他城市,结婚生子过日子,有些也因生活变迁而失去了联系。我自认为是个独行侠,刚开始也很享受平和与安静;可接下来几个月,我发现自己常常感到孤独。

  My space went from clean to chaos, my productivity crashed and burned, my thoughts took a turn for the worse, and I couldn’t find much interest in anything more than watching movies on Netflix. After living a few months in a haze of sloth, I realized I had a serious problem and decided to learn how to live a happy life alone. This article tackles six key things I learned along the way。房间开始变得凌乱不堪、效率低下、情绪低落,除了在Netflix上看电影,我对任何事都提不起兴趣。过了几个月的混沌日子后,我感到自己很有问题,必须学会一个人也能过得开心才行。下面就是我领悟到的六个方法。

  1. Take Care of Your Home保持房间整洁

  When you’re not around other people, it is easy to lose interest in tidying up your home. You might find yourself with a sky high pile of dishes and mountains of clutter everywhere you turn if you’re not careful. Even if you don’t have a roommate or company that frequently walks in your door, it is in your best interest to clean house at least once per week. 一个人生活时,很容易马虎应付房间整理。如果得过且过,家里很快就堆了成叠的盘子和杂物。哪怕很少有室友或朋友来串门,每周至少也得打扫一次房间。






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