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“谨防”职场友谊!  中国日报网英语点津    2007-07-02    



Best friends distracting at work - study

A study into workplace relationships has found having a close friend at work can be a major distraction.

  A study into workplace relationships has found having a close friend at work can be a major distraction.

  Respondents cited excessive chatting, having too much fun and an inability to separate work from play as contributing to a lack of focus.

  "When faced with a work-related problem many people will prioritize their friendship over their responsibilities to their organization, which businesses may find concerning," said psychologist and Auckland University of Technology lecturer, Dr Rachel Morrison.

  "Workplace friendships are like a double-edged sword. The benefits of a friendly workplace can be really positive, but organizations should be aware of the potential difficulties and how to manage friendships at work."

  According to the study, many people were concerned about going `softer' with their friends and being expected to treat them with special privileges.

  "People naturally want to make their friends feel special, but this conflicts with organizational practices or norms that are set up around fairness and equality. Difficulty in managing these expectations can create tension in the relationship."

  Respondents also experienced a great deal of anxiety about speaking to close friends about substandard work. A basic rule of friendship is being non-judgemental and accepting your friends' weaknesses, but giving critical performance feedback conflicts with this.

  "We also found issues related to confidentiality practices, which could mean friends have to refrain from sharing information. This can be really challenging for close friendships that have norms of openness and disclosure," Dr Morrison said.

  Dr. Morrison said organisations should try to provide friendly environments and encourage workplace friendships, but have policies in place to manage potential difficulties.

  The research was undertaken online with 230 respondents.







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