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八国峰会:萨科奇夫人请人“帮忙”  中国日报网英语点津    2007-06-11    



Cecilia Sarkozy to step out as French first lady

French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife Cecilia arrive for an official dinner in Hohen Luckow June 6, 2007.

  France's first lady Cecilia Sarkozy has hired a top-level diplomatic advisor to guide her steps on the world stage, where she intends to play an active role at her husband's side, a report said Tuesday.

  Cecilia's diplomatic advisor, the career diplomat Nicolas de la Granville, 45, was hand-picked for her by President Nicolas Sarkozy's national security advisor Jean-David Levitte, according to Le Figaro newspaper.

  The paper said Cecilia planned to play a "complementary" role to her husband, focusing on so-called "feminine" questions such as "children, women and humanitarian affairs, the French language and culture."

  The 49-year-old Cecilia would be the first French first lady to have her own diplomatic advisor.

  De la Granville, who has served in Brussels and Madrid, is a specialist on European affairs and North Africa. He will be part of the diplomatic cell at the Elysee presidential palace, where Le Figaro said one of three Africa advisor posts was scrapped to make way for him.

  A presidential spokesman denied that the first lady would have designated staff, saying that some of Sarkozy's advisors may be asked to help Cecilia Sarkozy with her requests.

  "Some advisors in the presidential team have been asked to address demands that could come from Cecilia Sarkozy," said presidential spokesman David Martinon.

  Cecilia accompanied her husband to the Group of Eight summit in Germany on Wednesday, where she will follow a "wives' programme" -- hosted by the husband of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

  A former model and PR executive, Cecilia acted as Sarkozy's communications advisor when he was interior minister in Jacques Chirac's government.

  But in 2005 the couple went through a brief separation and she withdrew from the political scene.

  Cecilia was absent during much of Sarkozy's campaign, only appearing at his side for the victory celebrations and swearing-in ceremonies.







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