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研究表明辣椒具有减肥奇效 利消除脂肪  中国日报网英语点津    2007-03-21    



A curry a day to burn the fat away

Chillies could be a magic ingredient in the fight against flab

  Research shows that capsaicin, the compound which gives the peppers their zing, makes fat cells self-destruct.

  In laboratory experiments, the effect occurred at levels of chilli that would be found in the stomach of someone who ate one or two curries a day.

  Chilli is already thought to speed up metabolism, aiding weight loss.

  The results, reported in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, add to a weight of evidence on the health benefits of capsaicin.

  Studies have shown it can cause prostate and pancreatic cancer cells to kill themselves. It also helps prevent and heal stomach ulcers.

  This is because it blocks acid production, stimulates alkali and improves blood flow in stomach tissue.

  Experts claim that other research shows that gastric ulcers are three times less common in countries where large numbers of chillies are eaten.

  In addition to all this, chillies have anti-inflammatory properties and scientists hope to use capsaicin to create a pill to treat swelling in arthritis sufferers.

  Ancient cultures used the spice as an antiseptic and to treat cholera and bronchitis. It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them.

  The latest study was conducted in Taiwan.








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