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雅思写作: 高分范文解析  小马过河    2015-10-10    





  Some people believe that it is beneficial for children to spend time on TV, video and PC games, while some hold the opposite view. Talk about these two views and give your own opinion.

  When it comes to whether children shall spend their spare time watching TV, video and playing PC games, people’s opinions diverse greatly. Some say it is basically a waste of children’s time, while others argue that children can benefit a lot from such activities.

  It is firmly maintained by many parents and teachers that children’s main purpose is to pursue outstanding academic achievements at school. To beat their competitors, they must make the best use of every precious minute. Therefore, they can not afford to indulge themselves before the “idiot box” as TV or in playing the senseless virtual games. Moreover, watching TV and playing PC games are addictive for many poorly-disciplined children, consuming their interest in study and eroding their academic aspirations.

  However, many other people hold different views, arguing that if properly guided and supervised, children can expand vision and knowledge as well as foster their creativity from those fun activities. There are many educational programs on TV such as Discovery which feed children extensive knowledge in science and arts. By sparking children’s interest and imagination in various topics, these programs are often more enlightening than textbooks. Furthermore, when playing PC games, children can foster a stronger sense of cooperation as well as competition, and sharpening their mind against possible risks in the real world. Last but not least, watching cartoons and science fiction movies definitely stimulates children’s imagination and creativity. Many youngsters have been inspired to come up with novel inventions of become engineering elites in later life exactly with the inspirations from those sources.

  From the above discussion, it is evident that if children can balance their study and fun time properly, watching TV, video programs and playing PC games will unquestionably bring them more benefits than harm. After all, books are not the only source of useful knowledge; in order to grow healthily in modern times, children need to accumulate knowledge and skills from various channels, and suitable time for relaxation and inspiration is surely more welcome than not.

  1. a waste of (time / energy): 对(时间/精力)的浪费

  2. benefit from: v. 从…中获益

  benefit: n.利益,收益 gain benefits from =benefit from, Something brings benefits to somebody

  beneficial: a. 对…有益的 something is beneficial to somebody.某事对某人有益

  beneficiary: n. 受益人 somebody is the beneficiary of something. 某人从某事中获益

  3. make the best use of:充分利用

  4. afford to do: 能够承担做某事

  5. addictive: a. 使人上瘾的, something is addictive to somebody

  addicted: a. 上瘾的, somebody is addicted to something

  6. educational programs: 教育节目

  7. enlightening: a. 具有启发性的

  8. last but not least: 最后

  9. science fiction movies: 科幻电影

  10. stimulate / trigger / inspire / enhance: 刺激、促进

  Advanced Phrases

  1. pursue outstanding academic achievements: 追求杰出的学术成绩

  2. indulge oneself in: 沉迷于

  3. idiot box: 指电视

  4. expand vision and knowledge:拓展视野和知识

  feed children extensive knowledge in (science):使儿童充分吸收(科学)知识

  6. foster their creativity / a sense of cooperation:培养创造力/合作精神

  7. come up with inventions / new ideas:做出发明/产生新想法

  8. spark children’s interest and imagination:激发儿童的兴趣和想象力

  9. sharpen the mind: 使头脑敏锐

  10. accumulate knowledge and skills from various channels:通过多种渠道积累知识和技能


  Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to deal with. Others, however, think that each individual should take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  It is true that our tiny individual actions often seem in significant compared to the scale and complexity of global environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation and depletion of natural resources. But that does not relieve our duty as individuals to do as much as we can to deal with these problems.

  Individual actions, small as they may be, can prove more effective than we realize. We can avoid driving the car, and take public transit, walk, or bicycle instead. This will reduce the use of fossil fuels and cut pollution. Saving energy at home, like turning on the air conditioner only when we have to, or turning water heater down a few degrees, is also ultimately good for the environment. Individual actions can also turn into united powers when, for example, the whole neighborhood is mobilized to participate in a local campaign to oppose environmentally damaging policies.

  There are, however, obstacles that stand in the way of individual action towards environmental conservation. The first obstacle is the lack of professional knowledge needed to cope with serious environmental issues like soil erosion and salinity, which require a significant amount of investigation and research. Another obstacle which makes individual action almost impossible is when an environmental emergency or accident happens, e.g. an oil spill near the bord der line, which would necessitate government intervention or even international coordination.

  So, in conclusion, when it comes to environmental problems, individual actions are indispensable in the problem solving process. But the most pressing and complicated problems go far beyond an individual’s capability and so require the concerted effort of the government as well as the global community.











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