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雅思写作必备:书信类型总结及常用模版  环球雅思    2008-02-22    




  I’m writing to bring to your attention the unprofessional attitude of one of the members of your staff.(抱怨人)

  I’m sorry to inform you that…(抱怨事)

  I wish to complain about a … which I bought … days ago in …(抱怨物品)

  I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction with…(抱怨人+抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  I’m writing to bring to your attention to a situation which I consider very undesirable. (抱怨人+抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  In these circumstances, I find it difficult to …(抱怨人+抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  I am very dissatisfied with the …

  I have noticed that…

  I regret to say the experience was not a pleasant one.

  Needless to say, such a way of dealing with customers is totally unacceptable. (抱怨人)

  This is very inconvenient. (抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  I’m puzzled as to why you still have not dealt with this matter. (抱怨人+抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  I feel obliged to remind you that…(抱怨人+抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  I’m sure you will agree that this is a most unsatisfactory situation. (抱怨人+抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  There is no denying that…

  Failing that, I would have to insist on …(抱怨人+抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  I would appreciate it if you could look into this matter as soon as possible.

  I wonder if you could send people to investigate this matter.

  Unless I receive a formal apology, written or verbal, I shall refuse to…

  I suggest that the individual in question be disciplined for his / her behavior. (抱怨人)

  I would very much appreciate it if you would …(抱怨事+抱怨物品)

  Otherwise I would…

  An early reply to this letter would be appreciated.

  类型二Giving Information

  I’m writing to explain …

  I’m writing to inform you that I wish to …

  I’m glad to have this chance to…

  How are things with you these days?

  My biggest concern now is whether…

  All in all, I have no hesitation in recommending…


  I am writing to request your assistance.

  Would you please advise me regarding…

  I would like to request materials for …

  I would be very grateful if you could send me information on …

  I would like to inquire about…

  I would like to reserve one room for … from … to …

  The room should be big enough to accommodate … people comfortably.

  I wish to reserve it in advance to …

  I would appreciate your prompt reply regarding the availability of …

  I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a …

  I am writing in response to your advertisement in … on …

  This morning I happened to see your advertisement.

  I am fully convinced that I am the right person for the advertised job.






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