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2011英语四级考试15篇热点写作(十五)  2011-05-30    




  In recent years, the air- conditioner has become one of the many indispensable electrical appliances for thousands upon thousands of families, especially those in the south, where the intense heat overwhelms the earth throughout the summer. The advantages of the air- conditioner are self - evident. Armed with the ability to refrigerate, the air- conditioner makes you feel refreshing and comfortable no matter how hot it is outside. Thus it guarantees the efficiency of your work and the quality of your rest. Without it there would be no knowing what would happen to you in the dog days. Moreover, it can also create a proper condition in summer for the operation of computers -- the best friends of yours in the information age. Too high a temperature would make computers work improperly, causing much inconvenience for your daily life and work.

  With all the advantages the air- conditioner offers, its disadvantages are also obvious. To begin with, the installment of the air - conditioner always involves the hole making in the wall, which undoubtedly makes the wall less pleasing to the eye than if not. Besides, the air- conditioned environment may make you more and more dependent on the air - conditioner, thus physically weakening your ability to cope with hot weather. Most important, the air - conditioned environment provides poor ventilation, and sometimes may even give rise to a strange kind of smell, which makes you feel dizzy and sick. Consequently, you will be in no mood for enjoying the cool air produced by the air- condi-






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