中国教育在线讯 日前,第12届UCA希望之星国际英语电视展演中国区总展演圆满结束。凭借扎实的语言功底、灵活的应变能力和精彩的现场表现,济南外国语学校国际课程中心韩畅、庄雅茹、孟令臻、庞燕妮四位同学从众多参赛选手中脱颖而出,取得了优异成绩。其中,bet36体育备用;级AP项目韩畅同学荣获中国区特等奖,bet36体育备用;级AP项目庄雅茹同学、bet36体育备用;级A-Level孟令臻同学荣获中国区二等奖,bet36体育备用;级AP项目庞燕妮同学荣获中国区三等奖。
UCA希望之星国际英语电视展演(原 UCA希望之星国际英语电视大赛)是由中国国际教育文化交流中心、中国外语教育研究院主办,美国哈佛大学、英国剑桥大学、加拿大多伦多大学、澳大利亚悉尼大学等世界名校和单位荣誉支持的面向海内外青少年的大型英语综合赛事,至今已成功举办十二届,参加和影响的大中小学生达到数千万人。UCA希望之星国际英语电视展演不仅仅是一场英语比赛、一场盛大的英语嘉年华,更是让学子用英语与世界对话的舞台。
Actually , we just wanted to have a try when we first started the preliminary contest of UCA.However,with the guidance and help of teachers , we got the chance to enter the final in China also the process of preparation for the game made us gained a lot. in the case of the process of game, we also collect a lot about the background of Chinese traditional culture since the final content was related to Chinese traditional culture , especially a link allows players to introduce his hometown characteristics, without this opportunity, we wouldn't learn so much about home culture. Moreover, through the competition we understood that Chinese culture could not only shine brightly in the long history of China, but also stand on the world stage and use different language forms so that the whole world can listen to China's voice.