
2023-09-04 20:24





Speech by President Yangsheng XU

at Inauguration Ceremony 2023

  Dear entering students, families, colleagues and friends,

  Good morning! A big welcome to all for sharing with us this glorious day. My special welcome goes to our new students. They are 1435 domestic undergraduate students from 23 provinces and cities, 120 international students from 11 countries and regions, and 1943 postgraduate students in 37 programs. Today we are proud to recognize you as part of the CUHK-Shenzhen community, and we can’t wait to see each of you shine and grow and transform this place in the years to come. You are beginning a new stage of life, and I hope you are ready.

  同学们, 2023级是非常特别的一届,你们是这所大学“黄埔十期”的学子,你们来到这所学校,将见证这所大学迈入她辉煌的第十年,你们将见证和分享这所大学建校十年的成果与喜悦,同时也将和这所大学一起再度起航,以青春和梦想开启下一个十年的新纪元。

  同学们,十年前,这里是一片荒芜的草地和几幢废旧厂房,第一届经管学院的286名学生就是从那个小小的、简陋的校园中出发,走向了世界!我们首届“黄埔一期”学子们的信念与志气已彰显了这所大学精神上的不平凡。我记得我们第一届学生的开学典礼是在一个由废弃的仓库改建的礼堂里举行的,那里我们叫它“礼文楼”,今天我们走进了崭新的 “礼文堂”,从礼文楼到礼文堂,我们走了整整十年的时光,这十年里,我们从不到300名学生,到今天的一万多名学子,我们建立了6所学院和7所书院,今年,我们的二期校园已经全部落成,大学的厚含书院和第七书院都迎来了第一批新生,大学医学院和音乐学院的校址也在紧锣密鼓地建设中……


  Students, the education you are going to receive here will be exciting as well as challenging, and if well spent, it is life-transforming. You will come close to minds of intellectual strengths that you have not met with before. You will quest for truth, discover new interest, and establish new relationship with the world. You will make friends who will become a life-time treasure in the rest of your life. You will have your existing opinions and ways of thinking contradicted and challenged as they have never been.

  At university I foresee you will have a lot of fun. But that’s not the whole story. Discomfiture, frustration, aches and pains, too, will surely be part of your education here. And this relates to my point here, that is, do not let negative feelings and pains weigh you down, but look at them as opportunities for change and growth.

  Experiences of negative emotions are not necessarily bad things. It’s alright to accept the fact that you’re upset. It’s okay to make room for such feelings at the moment, but do not feed on them and let them get the better of you. Negative emotions themselves are temporary and feeling them do not define who you are. It is how you react to them that really defines who you are. Let anger at injustice ward us away from doing injustice to others. Let fear caution us against submitting to temptations that give pleasure for a moment but cause lasting shame and regret. Let sorrow and pity teach us the width and depth of humanity. Let mortification prompt self-introspection, and change for the better. Tribulation produces perseverance; frustration and disappointment have value in the process of our growth.








  Dear entering students, today you are at a fresh beginning, one that leads to many opportunities, experiences, endeavors and explorations. I hope you will use your opportunity wisely, react to frustrations resiliently, and devote yourselves to earnest learning. I hope you will inspire one another and treat each other kindly. I hope during your time at CUHK-Shenzhen, you will seek out the best about this place, and at the same time, seek out the best of yourselves.

  Welcome to CUHK-Shenzhen! I give you my best wishes.


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中国教育在线广东站 2016-02-17 14:13