
2015-04-20 09:55:00

  近日,国家发展和改革委员会发布的《关于2014年度国家地方联合工程研究中心(工程实验室)的批复》(发改高技[2015]581号),由徐扬生教授主持申报的港中大(深圳)“机器人与智能制造国家与地方联合工程实验室” 获批为国家地方联合工程实验室。这也是港中大(深圳)建校以来获批建设的首个国家地方联合工程实验室,是港中大(深圳)在国家级科技创新平台建设方面取得的一个全新的突破,同时标志着港中大(深圳)科学技术水平在工程技术研究领域迈上了一个新的更高的台阶。





  CUHK(SZ)’s First National & Local Joint Engineering Laboratory

  Robots and Intelligent Manufacturing National & Local Joint Engineering Laboratory, led and proposed by Professor Yangsheng Xu of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (“CUHK(SZ)”), has been approved by the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC”) upon issuance of Approval on 2014 National & Local Joint Engineering Research Centers (Engineering Laboratories) (Fa Gai Gao Ji [2015] No.581). This is the first of its kind since the inception of the University in Shenzhen, reaching a breakthrough in its effort to build national level technological innovation platforms and to set up a higher level for its engineering research capabilities.

  A national & local joint engineering laboratory or engineering research center is a platform set up by the NDRC for the purposes of boosting basic capabilities of industry innovations with local characteristics and providing a seamless connection between national and local technological innovation systems in accordance with the strategic needs for economic and social development and the plan for basic capabilities of national independent innovations.

  CUHK(SZ)’s Robots and Intelligent Manufacturing National & Local Engineering Laboratory (“Lab”) is built by the University’s robot research team in partnership with Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Huashu Robot Company. Professor Xu has forged a research term consisting of 44 members in total, with 40 being research scientists (21 PhD holders, 10 senior professionals and 9 junior professionals). Most team members have overseas study experience and have been working at the laboratory on a full time basis. Significant breakthroughs have occurred in robotic sensing, recognition, control, interaction and energy. The team is one of the world’s most dynamic academic robot research teams and undertakes plenty of national scientific research plans. Up to now, more than 30 robots and intelligent systems have been developed, a sign of top level research results with a wide range of applications.

  The Lab centers around five robotic technologies, i.e. intelligent manufacturing, service robots, wearables with multi-sensor information fusion, non-standard special robots, and intelligent monitoring. It also focuses on commercialization of industry robot and intelligent equipment manufacturing, home service robots, space robots, special robots, medical robots, and intelligent carrying robots.

  The Lab is a response to the call of state-driven innovation strategic deployment and Shenzhen’s future industry development needs. It is expected to raise the level of robot engineering applications, boost a sustainable development of robot and industry automation and provide technical support to both upper and lower steam of robot industry at the Pearl River Delta region. The Lab aims to develop into an innovation center for robots and intelligent manufacturing, construct a long term innovation scheme integrating production, research and application, improve regional competitive edge, rebalance industry structure, and hatch strategic start-up businesses.


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香港中文大学(深圳) 2020-03-25 15:56