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广东以色列理工学院(筹)人才招聘  来源:中国教育在线广东站  作者:  2016-07-12  字体:  

Posting for Purchasing Manager

The preparation office of GTIIT -Guangdong Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, is conducting a search for a direct hire of Purchasing Manager Job for the new established academic institute for Science & Engineering- GTIIT.

The ideal candidate as a purchasing manager will have at least five years of progressive purchasing experience preferably in academic institutes, public sectors or JV including two or more years directly supervising staff. English as a native speaker (speaking, writing and reading skills) is mandatory.

Purchasing Manager Job Responsibilities:

1.Plan and estimate purchasing needs and requirements.

2.Supervise and control the budget of the purchasing department.

3.Develop competitive suppliers and establish good terms of relationship, with regular evaluation.

4.To communicate with suppliers on business terms, price negotiation and delivery.

5.To balance client needs with policy and fiscal constraints and service - students, staff, faculty and external contacts.

6.Be responsible for the long-term purchasing functions: To work with vendors and project future purchasing needs to ensure the demands of the organization are met without interruption. To work with the financial department to draft upcoming quarterly and annual budget requirements based on the projected purchasing requirements.

Knowledge and Skill Requirements:

1.Bachelor degree or above, or an equivalent combination of education and experience of sourcing large, complex, global agreements required.

2.Strong, proven negotiation skill required.

3.Advanced data collection and analytical skill, strong computer skill required.

4.Good at speaking and written English.

5.Proven ability to manage multiple projects at a time under pressure.

6.Knowledge of university regulations, policy and procedures is a definite asset.

7.Excellent communication skill and strong leadership and able to think and act beyond functional scope.

8.Must maintain the highest ethical standards at all times.

This open position of Purchasing Manager Job is located in Shantou, Guangdong province, China.

Applicants are invited to submit resume to

Only qualified candidates will be contacted.

Posting for IT manager

The preparation office of GTIIT -Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology, is conducting a search for a direct hire of Information Technologies (IT) Manager Job for the new established academic institute for Science & Engineering- GTIIT. ?The ideal candidate will have at least five of experience as an IT manager in academic institutes or JV with a minimum of two years of management experience. Special advantage will be given to candidates with experience in establishment process of Data Center for Science &Engineering Faculties & research center.

English as a native speaker (speaking, writing and reading skills) is mandatory.

This open position of IT Manager Job located in Shantou, Guangdong province, China.

Applicants invited to submit resume to

Only qualified candidates will be contacted.

Information Technology Manager Job Responsibilities:

1.Defining the Information Technology strategy for supporting the need of GTIIT in the establishment phase as well as for five years ahead.

2.Planning, designing and building the Data Center to support all information and data management that are part of GTIIT current and future needs and working procedures.

3.Identify technology trends, relevant to teaching and learning, academic research and campus management that may support or impede the success of the building, managing and operating those fields.

4.Evaluate and identify appropriate technology platforms, including web application frameworks for establishing the Network & Data Center (NDC).

5.Build up an IT team to support and collaborate with the appropriate departments to assess and recommend technologies that support the organizational needs.

6.Direct development and execution of the information security plan that protects the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the institute data and servers.

7.Manage the operation and maintenance of the NDC.


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