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英语专业八级考试全真模拟试题九      2007-12-06    




  Directions: In sections A, B, C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.


  Directions: Questions 1 to 5 refer to the talk in this section. At the end of the talk you will be given ONE minute to answer the following questions. Now listen to the talk.

  1. Children in Britain will normally come to the age of _______ when they finish their primary school education.

  A) seven

  B) five

  C) ten

  D) eleven

  2. Compulsory education in Britain is ________.

  A) from 7 to 11

  B) from 5 to 16

  C) from 4 to 16

  D) from 5 to 15

  3. The secondary education requires children to learn some foreign languages, but the first foreign languages is ________.

  A) German

  B) Italian

  C) Spanish

  D) French

  4. Students who wish to go on college will have to take a two-leveled _______.

  A) General College Examinations

  B) General Course Examinations

  C) General Certificate Examinations

  D) General Compulsory Examinations

  5. When you are a student at university, the state will pay for the cost of ________.

  A) your study only

  B) your living on campus only

  C) your study and living on campus

  D) your accommodation


  Directions: Questions 6 to 10 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview, you will be given ONE minute to answer the following questions. Now listen to the interview.

  6. Actor Dallas McKennon pointed out that broadcast stations are granted a license to ______.

  A) entertain and advertise

  B) educate and advertise

  C) educate and entertain

  D) be informative and instructive

  7. Dallas Mckennon said that one of the reasons he likes to act in cartoons is that ______.

  A) cartoons are a less violent medium

  B) cartoons are a violent medium

  C) cartoons are a more violent medium

  D) cartoons are an educative medium

  8. Dallas Mckennon said that for cartoons, actors are selected ________.

  A) for the way they look, not the the way they sound

  B) both for the way they look and the way they sound

  C) for the way they sound, not the way they look

  D) both for the way they act their roles and the way they look

  9. In talking about his career in Hollywood, Dallas Mckennon said that his work has been ________.

  A) exclusively in cartoons

  B) only in Disney feature films

  C) mainly in cartoons and in scientific films

  D) both in cartoons and in scientific films

  10. According to Dallas Mckennon, the old way of making cartoons was to _________.

  A) do the drawings first, and then have the actors record the sound

  B) photograph the actors first, and then do the drawings

  C) record the sound first, and then photograph the actors

  D) find the actors first and then have the record the sound


  Directions: In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the lecture, take notes on the important points,. Your notes will be marked but it is important that you yourself can understand them because you will need the information to complete a gap-filling task on a separate answer sheet after Part II. Proof Reading And Error Correction.


  A comet is an object that resembles a fuzzy (16) and    travels along a definite path through the solar system. Some of the brightest comets develop a long shining (17) when they come near the sun.

  Most comets cannot be seen without a (18). Some are visible to the unaided eye, but only for several weeks or months when they pass (19) to the sun. Halleys Comet is probably the best known comet.

  In 1973, Comet Kohoutek became the first comet to be (20) by men in space. Astronauts in the Skylab space station (21) it and so provided much new information about comets.

  People used to believe the coming of a comet would lead to a (22), such as a war or an epidemic. Halleys Comet revived these (23) in 1910, but the earth passed through the comets tail with no apparent harm.

  The pressure of the suns light may push the (24) dust particles and gas molecules away from the coma, forming one or more tails. This pressure makes a comets tail point away from the sun,. When a comet (25) the sun, the tail brings up the rear.












  The following passages contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. IN each case, only ONE word is involved. You should proof-read the passage and correct it in the following way:

  For a wrong word,         underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.

  For a missing word,         mark the position if the missing word with a "^" sign and write the word you believe to be missing in the blank provided at the end of the line.

  For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word with a slash "/" and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.






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